Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Dr. John Paul Russo, professor of English and Classics  Have the Humanities Declined?  2008-09 Cooper Fellows Lecture Series 
 2. Priya Thomas  Had I Known, I Would Have Declined  Blood Heron 
 3. Priya thomas  Had I Known, I would Have Declined  Is Blood Heron 
 4. Priya Thomas  Had I Known, I Would Have Declined  Blood Heron 
 5. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti  Politely Declined  Scared Famous 
 6. Priya Thomas  Priya Thomas - Had I Known, I Would Have Declined  Blood Heron 
 7. Prof. Graeme Turner  Data and the Humanities  Long-lived Collections: The Future of Australia's Research Data 
 8. Prof. Graeme Turner  Data and the Humanities  Long-lived Collections: The Future of Australia's Research Data 
 9. Mark Meadow and Philip Sallis  Humanities Interface Demonstra  Interfacing Knowledge, UCSB 20 
 10. John Unsworth, Justin Locsei, Aaron Shaffer, Zachary Legg  The Value of Digitization for Libraries and Humanities Scholarship  Freedman Center in Kelvin Smith Library 
 11. Dan Kellar rabble podcast network  Congress of the Humanities: Dr. John Agnew on International Borders - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly  Needs No Introduction 
 12. President George W. Bush  President and Mrs. Bush Attend Presentation of the 2008 National Medals of Arts and National Humanities Medals - November 17, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
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